Apr 25, 2017

Thought Leadership, Good or Bad? (Podcast)

By: Polly Yakovich

Podcast Strategy

This week we talk about thought leadership - inspired by the blog post: Becoming A Thought Leader: Is It Worth The Effort?

If thought leadership really requires "new value and thought in your industry," then we're inclined to agree with the writer of Ecclesiastes: "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun."

But constantly learning, iterating, and sharing that knowledge with both potential and future clients or customers is extremely valuable and makes everyone's work better - a step at a time.  Being an all caps THOUGHT LEADER is probably unattainable for most people, but learning, experimenting and sharing is the kind of thought leadership we think all people should embrace.

Bonus politics mostly neutral (at least attempted) Jared Kushner material at the end of our chat.

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