Jul 03, 2018

All The (New) Google Tools

By: Josh Dougherty

Digital Media

Google announced a gaggle of new or repackaged tools in the last few weeks. These changes are especially important if you use Google's advertising platforms for demand generation. Here's a rundown of what we believe are some of the most relevant things to keep an eye on.

YouTube’s Creative Suite

Cisco reported in the fall of 2017 that 82% of all internet traffic will be video by 2021. This makes the new video advertising tools released by YouTube especially helpful. Their new creative suite includes the following:

  • Video Experiments: Video experiments will allow you to cleanly segment your audience and test two videos to determine which one drives the most awareness, brand lift, and more.
  • Video Creative Analytics: This new analytic tool will allow you to use specific creative elements to influence the performance of the video.
  • Director Mix and Video Ad Sequencing: You can now set up specific sequences of video ads for users to see as they interact with YouTube content.

Read more about YouTube's Creative Suite

Google Marketing Platform

The launch of Google Marketing Platform is perhaps the biggest change that Google has made in this latest round of adjustments. This new platform is really a repackaging of a number of existing products into a single platform to allow for better integration of data. The new platform includes the following commonly used products:

  • DoubleClick - now rebranded as Display & Video 360 and Search Ads 360
  • Analytics
  • Tag Manager

Check out more about the new Google Marketing Platform

Smart Campaigns

The newly rebranded Google Ads (replacing Google AdWords in late July) includes a new feature called Smart Campaigns. This solution is designed for small businesses. It will use Google's machine learning to create campaigns tailored to the goals of the business.

Learn about Smart Campaigns in Google Ads

As always, we'll be keeping tabs on future developments at Google and other digital advertising platforms so you'll hear about the changes and the implications for your business.

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