May 07, 2018

5 Things I Learned At Content Marketing University

By: Polly Yakovich

Content Inbound Marketing

I recently took some courses with Content Marketing University to update my skills and see what's new in the world of content marketing. Here are 5 things I learned (or re-learned):

1. It's All About Your Audience's Needs

  • Establish a measurable relationship with your audience.
  • Use advocates and influencers to build trust - your audience trusts them more than you.
  • Use paid media to earn media, and target influencers to share your content.

2. Content may be king, but distribution is queen

  • TV marketing spends $5 on distribution for every $1 spent on creating content. Content marketing is the opposite, but needs to shift toward the TV model to minimize content churn and provide more value.
  • Send content out through press releases to improve organic search ranking.

3. Be Clear About Goals & Related KPI'S

  • Decide what you're trying to accomplish (build awareness, sell more products) and measure accordingly. Trying to do it all will ensure you do nothing well.
  • Keep content marketing away from being just another way to communicate sales material.

4. Always Nurture

  • Onboard your audience into everything - if they sign up for your blog, send them your 5 best blogs before you put them into the regular schedule.
  • Use each email in your nurture pathways to get someone to ask the next question.
  • Use nurture marketing when onboarding new employees - you will excite them about your mission and in turn they will help distribute your content and be valuable advocates.

5. Use Content Strategy To Break Down Silos

  • Plan cross-function, gathering resource from around the organization, soliciting ideas, and involving in review.
  • Everyone has a unique role to play and there's enough work for all. Comms, PR, Marketing, Media - you all need each other and your work will improve drastically when you approach it together.
  • You probably have something to learn. Being open minded will help you come up with breakthrough ideas.

What do you think should be added to the list?

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