Aug 24, 2018

One Quick Change That Increased Conversions By 400%

By: Josh Dougherty

Inbound Marketing

The backbone of the lead generation efforts we run for clients are content offers. A content offer is a valuable piece of content that we offer to website visitors in exchange for an email address.

In an inbound marketing program, an email address is gold. It unlocks our ability to communicate with leads in a targeted and relevant way using marketing automation. This makes conversion rates very important. In order to be successful, we must must convert the maximum number of users who visit the landing page offering the resource.

So, what happens when conversion rates are lagging? Our experience has been that a fix may be as simple as a new title for the white paper or ebook.

We recently had a client who had two white papers on their website. One was converting at 16%, the other was converting at 2.5%. If we could increase the conversion rate of the second resource we would be able to to increase the overall effectiveness of the program.

The title of the white paper with the low conversion rate was very feature oriented and didn't speak to the specific benefit the white paper provides to the reader. By shifting the title from Why Rent? to The Perfect Booth For The Perfect Price we were able to increase the conversion rate by more than 400% to 10.8%.

So, if you ever ask yourself how much the title of a white paper matters, there's a simple answer. It matters a great deal.

You can learn more about how to increase the effectiveness of our inbound program by downloading our eBook: 30 Greatest Lead Generation Tips, Tricks & Ideas

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