Aug 20, 2018

Podcast: Do Better Reddit

By: Jacob Smith


We talk through the top five posts on r/marketing. This week is struggle city for Reddit. We talk about what you should be doing on your first day on the job and reveal our first salaries.

We also touch on what skills you need in the long game that is modern marketing.

The top posts this week are:

  1. Free tools for monitoring trends and hot topics for content
  2. Monday will be my first day on the job in a Digital Marketing Specialist position. What can I expect this first week? What have been your experiences at your first marketing job?
  3. I am quickly learning that entry level marketing jobs have abysmal salaries. Is marketing the wrong industry to go in if you are ultra concerned about money?
  4. "Succeeding with digital marketing is a long-term game. Focus on the long term." - Neil Patel
  5. A digital marketer: so what skills to develop?

Care to share your starting salary in the comments?

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