Dec 20, 2018

The Best Of 2018

By: Polly Yakovich

Inbound Marketing

Is it over yet? 2018 was one for the books!

This was a massive year of growth for A Brave New and we're excited to see what 2019 has in store.

Following in the great tradition of year-end roundups and listicles, we're taking a look back at some of our best read posts from the last year.

Top Five Blog Posts of 2018

5. In 2018, Just Do Three Things

We started the year with a recommendation to focus on your customers, execute consistently, and measure and optimize. All still great advice going into 2019. 

4. 4 Keys To Designing An Effective Facebook Ad

In this post, we explain why using puppy photos on every ad will get you lots of clicks. In all seriousness though - use emotion and strong calls to action to get the right people clicking through to your content.

3. Why We Left The Big Agency...To Found A Small One

A feel good story about why we do what we do, and the motivations for our work.  Which include ... actually working with you and not just passing you off to a team.

2. 3 Reasons Why An eBook Will Help You Find New Customers & Clients Online

Use in-depth content to connect with your audience, build trust, and win new customers.

1. How Vera Whole Health Increased Inbound Leads By 311% In 90 Days

It's a simple tale of how when implementing an inbound marketing program - you see more leads and win more clients. And quickly. 

We're excited to bring you more great content in 2019. What kinds of things would you like to learn or hear us talk about?

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