May 21, 2020

Video: Steelhead Owners Share Their Digital Marketing Experience

By: Polly Yakovich

Inbound Marketing

Co-Owners of Steelhead Productions, Rhiannon Anderson and Sean Combs, share how their digital inbound marketing program has changed their lead pipeline and improved their business development efforts.


Video Transcription

Rhiannon Anderson: We started to embrace the idea that most everybody, whether it's a business to business situation or if it's a business to consumer, everybody's consuming their influence through the internet. We heard about this platform called HubSpot and our sales team started to use it. Just out of some sheer curiosity, I dug a little bit deeper and realized that there was a huge marketing capability. It was really through that that I learned about the power of inbound marketing. So really finding A Brave New has been a trajectory changer for our organization.

Sean Combs: When I think about inbound marketing, obviously my ultimate objective was to get a new client. What surprised me the most is we've had other colleagues, vendors, suppliers, other business owners reach out to me and just notice that something different is happening, purely based on what they see online through the tactics and techniques that A Brave New has been employing for us.

Rhiannon Anderson: Whenever I hear that as a challenge from a fellow entrepreneur, I highly recommended that they look into inbound and to A Brave New specifically, because there are answers that exist that transcend industry to help alleviate some of that burden around the marketing and communicating with prospects and leads and making sales and that sort of stuff.

Sean Combs: It's really about having the brand out there, creating some impact and creating these connections. We're making connections that actually go far beyond just customers and prospects.

Rhiannon Anderson: I've worked with a lot of different vendors who are providing a service in exchange for a fee, and I haven't felt that they have completely and utterly applied all of their skill, all of their talent, all of their history to help elevate what we're trying to achieve. It really feels quite awesome.


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